Podcast with Arif Ullah: Combatting Corporate and City Neglect with Community Outreach
Committed to building systems that support the health, leadership, and creative expression of frontline communities, South Bronx Unite Executive Director Arif Ullah is at the forefront of efforts to prevent air pollution’s adverse health effects on residents of the South Bronx. In addition to recognizing the devastatingly high rates of asthma prevalence among children in Mott Haven, which are the highest in the nation, Mr. Ullah also acknowledges the role of prolonged pollution exposure concerning risk for cardiovascular and neurological disorders. His in-depth knowledge of the latter topic piqued my interest, as my research focuses on the potential association between air quality and stroke incidence throughout New York. Likewise, he detailed why green spaces, such as public parks and community gardens, are integral to the success of neighborhoods in the South Bronx. Overall, speaking with Mr. Ullah was a rewarding experience–the impact he creates pursuing environmental justice in the Bronx community is unmatched.